Jurnal Teknik
<p>Jurnal Teknik is a peer-reviewed journal published by State University of Gorontalo. Jurnal Teknik is published two times annually, in June and December. Jurnal Teknik provides a place for academics, researchers, and practitioners to publish scientific articles. The scope of the articles listed in this journal is related to various topics such as Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Craft Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Education, and other related engineering fields.</p> <p>All manuscripts sent to the Jurnal Teknik editor are accepted in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Since 2019, Open Journal Systems (OJS) has been applied for all business process in Jurnal Teknik. Therefore, authors are required to register in advance and to upload the manuscript online. The manuscript progress could be monitored through OJS. Authors, readers, editorial board, editors, and peer review could obtain the real-time status of the manuscript.</p> <p>Please read these journal guidelines and template carefully. Authors who would like to submit their manuscript should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not in accordance with the guidelines or is written in a different format, it will <strong>BE REJECTED</strong> by the editors before being reviewed. The editors will only accept manuscripts which meet the assigned format.</p>Universitas Negeri Gorontaloen-USJurnal Teknik1693-6191Peningkatan Kapasitas Simpang Sebidang Satu Arah dengan Simulasi Lalu Lintas Zero Point
<p><em>The Zero Point intersection is the zero point of Manado City which is also the transfer point for public transportation passengers. The land use around this location is offices, pharmacies, shops, places of worship, hotels and there are also street vendors. This research is to analyze the characteristics of Zero Point intersections using the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Calculation (PKJI) method and the PTV Vissim application simulation to obtain alternative solutions.The results of the analysis are that the highest traffic volume (Q) occurred on Monday at 6493.4 cur/hour, vehicle capacity (C) was 2900 cur/hour, the degree of saturation (DJ) was 1,329, the intersection delay value (T) was 376,6 seconds/currency and the Level of Service (LOS) of the unsignaled intersection is at level D which indicates poor intersection performance.The results of this analysis then looked for alternative solutions by trial and error and the chosen alternative was to improve the performance of unsignalized intersections, namely the first was to change the vehicle's turning direction from the direction of Jl. Sudirman (next to Bank Sulut) which will turn towards Jl. Sam Ratulangi has to go around the Zero Point roundabout and the second alternative is to make changes, namely making a median or road divider on the Jl. Sudirman (next to Bank Sulut).</em></p>Semuel Y. R. RompisMeike Kumaat
Copyright (c) 2024 Semuel Y. R. Rompis, Meike Kumaat (Author)
2024-08-072024-08-0722111310.37031/jt.v22i1.428Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Trainer Kelistrikan Body Terhadap Motivasi Belajar dan Hasil Belajar
<p><em>This research aims to provide information about the importance of using learning media in the form of body electrical trainers in increasing motivation and optimal learning outcomes in the field of education. The method used in this research is Expost Facto, namely research that examines events that have occurred and then traces them back to find out the factors that contributed to the incident. The research results show that there is a very strong relationship between learning media and student learning motivation and a very strong relationship between learning media and student learning outcomes. The contribution of learning media variables to learning motivation calculated using the KP formula is 90.4%. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted so that learning media has an effect on the learning motivation of Mechanical Engineering Education students by 90.4%. Apart from that, the contribution of learning media variables to learning outcomes which is also calculated using the KP formula is 72.7%. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, indicating that learning media has an effect on the learning outcomes of Mechanical Engineering Education students by 72.7%.</em></p>Monica PratiwiAdhitya Sufarinto
Copyright (c) 2024 Monica Pratiwi, Adhitya Sufarinto (Author)