Jurnal Teknik 2024-01-21T07:12:41+00:00 Arip Mulyanto Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Teknik&nbsp; is a peer-reviewed journal published by State University of Gorontalo. Jurnal Teknik is published two times annually, in June and December. Jurnal Teknik provides a place for academics, researchers, and practitioners to publish scientific articles. The scope of the articles listed in this journal is related to various topics such as Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Craft Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Education, and other related engineering fields.</p> <p>All manuscripts sent to the Jurnal Teknik editor are accepted in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Since 2019, Open Journal Systems (OJS) has been applied for all business process in Jurnal Teknik. Therefore, authors are required to register in advance and to upload the manuscript online. The manuscript progress could be monitored through OJS. Authors, readers, editorial board, editors, and peer review could obtain the real-time status of the manuscript.</p> <p>Please read these journal guidelines and template carefully. Authors who would like to submit their manuscript should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not in accordance with the guidelines or is written in a different format, it will <strong>BE REJECTED</strong> by the editors before being reviewed. The editors will only accept manuscripts which meet the assigned format.</p> Web-Based Information Systems for Political Parties and Community Organizations Using Extreme-Programming Methods 2024-01-20T10:26:14+00:00 Muhammad Yassir Gafur Sitti Suhada Ita Fitriati <p><em>Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik is expected to be able to carry out its tasks and functions as a promoter of government affairs in the area of national unity and politics. However, there is still a frequent process of verification of registration files of association organizations and political parties, which is interrupted so that the registration process becomes obstructed. There are no available data on the existence and management of both social organizations and political parties. Delivery of accountability reports for political party funds is always late so the financial administration process is hampered, causing low budget absorption. Delivery of data desks of elections of heads of district or general elections is still manual, so late incoming reports cause information to the leadership to be unupdated. The research is aimed at building a web-based information system that provides registration, verification and filing features for political parties and association organizations. The method used is Extreme Programming with phases of planning, design, encoding, and testing. The results of this study resulted in a reliable and easy-to-use information system and showed 100% accuracy of the black box test results.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Yassir, Gafur, Sitti Suhada, Ita Fitriati (Author) Penerapan IoT pada Sistem Deteksi Kadar Air dan Level Tangki Stasiun SPBU 2024-01-20T10:26:31+00:00 Andi Ircham Hidayat Agunawan Agunawan Yusri Mahendra Wanda Cahyani <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The development of the gas station business is currently very tempting for entrepreneurs, it can be witnessed that lately many gas station constructions have begun in the city to remote villages though. One of the most important things that is sometimes overlooked by gas station entrepreneurs is the quality of the fuel they sell and in general, monitoring the contents of the tank at gas stations is done manually. The purpose of the study was to design a Prototype of the Water Content Detection System and tank level, which aims to help gas station managers measure water content and monitor fuel content in gas station tanks automatically and realtime so that fuel quality is maintained, information can be monitored through web-based systems and mobile applications with Internet of Things technology. The IoT system design consists of an Arduino Uno R4 microcontroller, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, conductivity sensor, and selenoid valve. The accuracy test results of the ultrasonic sensor used are good enough to measure the contents of the tank with an average error of 1.3%, while the conductivity sensor measurement has an average error of 0.292% with a validation process using the centrifuge method, The selenoid valve works well which is activated through a web-based monitoring application and a mobile application.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Andi Ircham Hidayat, Agunawan Agunawan, Yusri Mahendra, Wanda Cahyani (Author) Penerapan Metode WMA dan EOQ pada Sistem Informasi Pengendalian Persediaan Stok Obat di Apotek Damhil 2024-01-20T10:26:47+00:00 Indhitya Padiku Lillyan Hadjaratie Dizky Ramadani Putri Papeo Muh. Fikri F. Walahe <p>Damhil UNG Pharmacy is one of the pharmacies in Gorontalo City whose inventory management is still difficult because preparation takes a long time by recording and checking what drugs are running out. In addition to reporting problems, the amount of stock added often exceeds the number of requests (Overstock) and often less than the number of requests (Stockout). As a result, making customers or consumers lost and profits are decreasing. A method is needed to overcome these problems. The methods that can be used are the Weighted Moving Average (WMA) and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) forecasting methods applied to the drug stock inventory control information system. This information system is based on a website developed using the prototype method. The result obtained is the preparation of drug inventory reports and drug needs in the future more effective and better.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Indhitya Padiku, Lillyan Hadjaratie, Dizky Ramadani Putri Papeo, Muh. Fikri F. Walahe (Author) Analisis Sentimen pada Aplikasi Translate Google Menggunakan Metode SVM (Studi Kasus: Komentar Pada Playstore) 2024-01-20T10:27:02+00:00 Sri Ayu Ashari Muhammad Wahyu Ade Saputra Esta Larosa Bait Syaiful Rijal <p><em>This research aims to analyze reviews in understanding the opinions and emotions expressed by users regarding the Google Translate application on the Google Play Store using sentiment analysis. By using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method in sentiment analysis of the Google Translate application, to get a better understanding of how users respond to the application. This can help developers improve the application experience, responding better to user needs and preferences. This user review analysis uses the SVM method. The measuring tool in this research uses, firstly, the Indonesian Lexicon as a tool to obtain positive and negative results, secondly, term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf-idf) as a support for the results of the evaluation. Google Translate app has a dataset of 1000 user reviews collected from Google play store. The results of analysis using Support Vector Machine produced 95% accuracy, with "no" as the result of the most positive and negative reviews out of 1580 reviews.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Ayu Ashari, Wahyu Ade Saputra Bayu, Esta Larosa, Bait Syaiful Rijal (Author) Pre-Feasibility Evaluation of the Eco-Cooler Model Made of Waste for Hot Humid Climates 2024-01-21T07:12:41+00:00 Niniek Pratiwi Ernawati <p><em>Based on the results of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2018 on commercial buildings, the largest energy-using equipment of each commercial building is air conditioning equipment with an average energy use of over 62%. Therefore, energy-saving efforts related to space cooling will have a significant impact on energy-saving efforts in the world. One way is to use the wind catcher method, namely Eco-Cooler. On the other hand, based on data from the National Waste Management Information System in 2021, waste generation in Indonesia reached 30,881,803.15 tons per year. So this research aims to find the lightest eco-cooler material that can withstand the weather using composite materials from waste. This research uses an experimental method by making an eco-cooler prototype using processed waste materials such as wood powder, corn cobs, plastic, and sand. Then 2 types of sizes, namely the outlet diameter (D1A) of 40 cm, and the inlet diameter (D2A) of 20 cm, while the second size is the outlet diameter (D1B) is 30 cm, and the inlet diameter (D2B) is 15 cm. After molding, the eco-cooler was then weighed and observed for a month to see its resistance to weather where the weather at that time was quite fluctuating. The parameters tested in this study were material weight and weather strength in the humid tropical climate. From the results of this study, it is found that the eco-cooler with sawdust material has the lightest weight of 16 kg for a diameter of 40 cm and 15 kg for a diameter of 30 cm. Meanwhile, the heaviest material is sand with a weight of 29 kg for a diameter of 40 cm and 23 kg for a diameter of 30 cm. In terms of durability, sawdust and sand are the most resistant to weather. Therefore, it can be concluded that the lightest and most weather-resistant eco-cooler material for hot humid climates is eco-cooler from wood powder material.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Niniek Pratiwi, Ernawati (Author) Penurunan Waktu Siklus Proses Cetak Injeksi Produk Tutup Plastik Melalui Simulasi Moldflow 2024-01-20T10:27:33+00:00 Uma Fadzilia Arifin Suci Rahayu <p><em>The cycle time is the integral factors of the production process. The higher the cycle time, the longer the time for the production process so as to reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of the production process. Plastic cap production uses an injection molding machine. The time required to produce a plastic cap is relatively high is about 33 seconds. This study aims to reduce the cycle time of plastic caps production during the injection molding process through simulation using Autodesk Moldflow software. Simulation was conducted to determine the optimal temperature parameter where other parameters are kept constant. The design of this simulation experiment used the Taguchi method with an orthogonal array as the simulation matrix. The simulation results was analyzed using the Minitab 19 software to determine the response value of the S/N ratio in the smaller is better category. Based on the value of the S/N ratio, the optimal combination of process temperature parameters is 180°C for melt temperature and 32°C for mold temperature to be able to reduce cycle time by 9.34 seconds. The simulation results show that the cycle time required for plastic cap production is 23.66 seconds.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Uma Fadzilia Arifin, Suci Rahayu (Author) Desain Optimal Tata Letak Fasilitas Dengan Menggunakan Metode CORELAP dan Algoritma CRAFT 2024-01-20T10:24:04+00:00 Kadek Yaniza Ayu Tantri Devi Rony Prabowo <p><em>UD. Doa Emak is an appropriate technology business engaged in the manufacture of tools or machines of various models and sizes. UD Doa Emak accepts production requests that vary according to customer requests. There is increasing customer demand and product variations, UD owners. Doa Emak expands the production area so that currently there is empty land that has not been utilized. The land area owned by UD. Doa Emak is 623 m2 with a percentage of vacant land of 48%. By utilizing vacant land, it is possible to increase utilities and optimize machine arrangement so that the transfer distance becomes more efficient and production capacity will increase. This research will solve the problem of production facility layout by redesigning the layout using the CORELAP (Computerized Relationship Layout Program) method, the CRAFT Algorithm (Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Techniques) and will be simulated with Flexsim Simulation to provide alternative decisions on the proposed layout. From this study, the results of the CRAFT method were more optimal than the initial layout with a large OMH depreciation of Rp. 49662,6 and efficiency percentage of </em><em>3,29%.&nbsp;&nbsp;Simulations using flexsim software produced a total traveled of 115843 m/month.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kadek Yaniza Ayu Tantri Devi, Rony Prabowo (Author) Agricultural Risk Factor Petani Lansia pada Aktivitas Pertanian Padi 2024-01-20T10:24:20+00:00 Novia Rahmawati Ahmad Farhan Pudji Astuti Bambang Cholis S Nora Azmi <p><em>According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the agricultural sector is the business field that absorbs the most elderly workers. However, elderly farmers actually become vulnerable to musculoskeletal disorders when doing agricultural work. This is because agriculture requires a lot of lifting activities, carrying heavy loads, working in bent and squatting positions, there is a risk of slipping and there is a risk of falling from the slippery paddy fields. This study aims to identify agricultural risks for elderly farmers. Data collection was carried out using Focus Group Discussions, to identify complaints with the Nordic Body Map (NBM) and risk assessment with the Agricultural Whole-Body Assessment (AWBA). Complaint data obtained, namely respondents stated that they had Gotrak complaints (muscle and skeletal disorders) on the waist and legs. Results questionnaire NBM, namely the level of complaints of pain in the highest part of the body that is felt, namely the waist. While the results of the AWBA risk assessment show that most of the work postures of elderly farmers are at high risk (high) with a percentage of 53% and a risk level of work duration of 73% of agricultural activities has a risk of 4 (very high).</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Novia Rahmawati, Ahmad Farhan, Pudji Astuti, Bambang Cholis S, Nora Azmi (Author) Implementation of DMAIC for Production Quality Control: Case Study of Power Supply Production in Indonesia 2024-01-20T10:24:37+00:00 B. Handoko Purwojatmiko Laksmi Ambarwati <p><em>The level of competition in the manufacturing industry is getting tougher, making companies must be able to provide the best service to customers. One of the companies in Indonesia engaged in asset monitoring and ship navigation systems, has a production division that produces power supply products. Based on the analysis that has been carried out at the company that there are problems such as a damaged PCB connector that makes the product categorized as a manufacturing defect. This research aims to be able to find alternative improvements to production processes that have a high defect rate. The Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) framework is used as a method to shape the mindset of management and employees to be able to solve these problems. Based on this framework, three causes of the problem were found, namely human factors, materials, and inappropriate methods during the production process. Therefore, appropriate corrective actions are taken, and a control process is carried out by comparing control charts, Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) and sigma levels to determine the impact of changes from the improvements made. Quantitatively, there was an increase in the DPMO value of 39.47% and an increase in the sigma level of 8.64%. This shows that the DMAIC framework can provide the right solutions and preventing the same quality problems from happening again.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 B. Handoko Purwojatmiko, Laksmi Ambarwati (Author) Anti Forensik Voice Note Menggunakan Whatsapp Mod 2024-01-20T10:24:53+00:00 Hanifah Mardlatillah Yudi Prayudi Erika Ramadhani <p><em>Currently there is a social media application that provides additional features in the form of voice changers by utilizing the voice note feature of Whatsapp Mod which can blur the identity of the voice owner. In several articles, Whatsapp Mod claims that this application is an anti-banned application, so it is feared that Whatsapp Mod is an application that uses anti-forensic techniques in it. This study aims to prove whether voice modifiers using voice notes on Whatsapp Mod can be a form of anti-forensic activity which can later make it difficult for investigators to conduct investigations. This will be proven by the use of a special method in handling audio forensics in which there are four stages, namely Acquisition, Enhancement, Decoding, and Voice Recognition. Audio forensics analysis that was carried out between voice recordings modified using Whatsapp Mod voice notes and original voice recordings showed results that were not identical. This proves that the voice modifier using the Whatsapp Mod voice note is considered an effective anti-forensic tool.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hanifah Mardlatillah, Yudi Prayudi, Erika Ramadhani (Author) Perencanaan Sumur Resapan Air Hujan dalam Upaya Konservasi Daerah Pesisir 2024-01-20T10:25:09+00:00 Barry Yusuf Labdul Aryati Alitu Nur Atika Tambipi <p><em>Infiltration wells are engineered construction designed for water conservation to accomodate and absorb surface water. Water conservation in necessary to reduce seawater intrusion in coastal areas. Shallow groundwater in Pohe village, located in a coastal a rea, is affected by seawater intrusion. This research aiams to converse groundwater in the coastal area and to reduce rainwater runoff that flows into drainage channels as well as to reduce seawater intrusion. The research is conducted in a coastal area in Pohe Village that is directly adjacent to Tomini Bay. The data are in the form of infiltration rate and soil permeability as the primary data and in form of rainfall in tensity betweet 2019 and 2020 as the secondary data. Infiltration rate data are obtained by useing a Double Ring Infiltrometer and are analyzed using the Horton method. Fourthermore, soil permeability data are tested using the constant head test. Analysis of rainfall intensity uses the Mononobe method, whereas discharge analysis employs th Rational method. The dimension of infiltration wells uses Sunjoto 1988 method.Findings reveal that the infiltration rate (ft) at the research site is 3.89 cm/hour or 38,90 mm/hour which is classified as moderate criteria. The coefficient of soil permeability (k) is 0.07 cm/second. Rain intensity (I) obtains 38.94 mm/hour. According to the data, the area of Pohe Village (A) is 4.83 km<sup>2</sup> and the flow coefficient (C) is 0.21. The discharge analysis (Q) is 10.86 m<sup>3</sup>/second. The dimension of the infiltration wells is planned to use a cylindrical shape with a diameter of (D) 1 m and a depth of (H) 58.90 m. The are 31 wells with a depth of 1.90 m.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Atika Tambipi, Barry Yusuf Labdul, Aryati Alitu (Author)